Book of Thoth - Etteilla Tarot
Deck |
Number of Cards |
Card Size |
Copyright |
Publisher |
Card Back Design |
78 22 major 56 minor |
2 5/8" x 4 3/4" |
2003 |
Lo Scarabeo Llewellyn |
![[back design]]( |
Also Included:
instruction booklet (64 pages) - English, Italian, Spanish, French, German, title card, publisher card
Category: Tarot
- Major Arcana Card Names (French):
Le Chaos, La Lumiere, Les Plantes, Le Ciel, L'Homme et Les Quadrupedes,
Les Astres, Les Oiseaux et les Poissons, Repos, La Justine, La Temperance,
La Force, La Prudence, Le Grand Pretre, Le Diable, Le Magicien ou le Bateleur,
Le Judement Dernier, La Mort, Le Capucin, Le Temple Foudroye,
La Roue de Fortune, Le Despote Africain, La Folie ou L'Alchimiste
- Major Arcana Card Names (English):
Chaos, Light, Plants, Heavens, Man and Animals,
Stars, Birds and Fish, Rest, Justice, Temperance,
Strength, Prudence, High Priest, Devil, Magician,
Last Judgment, Death, Hermit, Temple Struck by Lightning,
Wheel of Fortune, Chariot, Fool
- Suit Names: Wands, Chalices (Cups), Swords, Pentacles
- Court Cards: King, Queen, Knight, Knave (Page)
- Language of Card Titles: French
- Style of Numbered Suit Cards: suit symbols
See Also:
Reference - The Encyclopedia of Tarot: Volume 1 by Stuart Kaplan, pg. 405, 407-408